To use the site, first you need to create an account. For that follow these steps:
- Go to the site- www.mortgagequestions.com from your web browser.
- Once the page opens, click on REGISTER NOW.
- A login page will open, on that click on Register Your Account which is shown right below the Log in button.
- On the page, enter your Last Name, SSN and Property Zip.
- Then click on Next button.
- After that enter some information and follow the on-screen instructions.
- Your account will be created.
Login Guide
Follow these steps to login to your account:
- Go to the site- www.mortgagequestions.com from your web browser.
- Once the page opens, click on SIGN IN.
- A login page will open, enter your credentials.
- Enter your Username and Password.
- If you are logging in from your own computer, then click on Remember Me checkbox
- Next click on Login button.
- You’ll be logged into your account.
Payment Guide
To make a payment on mortgagequestions.com, follow these steps:
- First login to your account.
- Once your account page opens, click on Mortgage Payments option.
- Enter the amount and date on which you want to make payment.
- Double check all the information.
- Then click on Confirm button.
Homeowners Assistance
In case if you at some point need assistance or face the problem related to your monthly mortgage payments. Then do not worry PHH Mortgage provides a Homeowners Assistance program which helps you in making your payments more affordable.
There are options available that may allow you to keep your house by making your payments more affordable:
- Repayment Plan
- Natural Disaster Plan
- Forbearance Plan
- Loan Modification
- Hardest Hit Fund
- Pre-Foreclosure Sale
- Deed in LIeu.
These plans will help you in making your payments more affordable.
These are the most common asked by people related to PHH Mortgage
Q.1 How do you use the personal information I enter on this site, and how can I be sure that mine will be secure?
PHH Mortgage use an advanced security system in all Internet-based communication and in the management of personal records, so that all your personal information is secured. And if you want complete details on how they use security methods, visit the Your Privacy page.
Q.2 Are there language access services available?
PHH mortgage has language access services available. This includes customer service options to speak to someone in a language other than English and the ability to obtain a verbal translation of any correspondence.
Q.3 Can I be pre-approved for a loan if I have credit problems?
Yes, PHH Mortgage offers mortgage loan options to those who may not have perfect credit.
Q.4 Do I need to sell my current home before I apply for a new mortgage loan?
No, but depending on your income and debt levels, you may need to sell your home before you can close on the new one. And if you want more information you can contact to their experience loan consultant.
Q.5 What is a Truth in Lending statement?
A Truth in Lending statement contains detailed information about the total charges that you will incur over the life of your loan. Required by federal law, the Truth in Lending statement includes:
- The annual percentage rate (APR) of the loan.
- The amount of interest you will pay.
- The amount financed by the loan and schedule of payments.
- Your total number of payments.
- Rules about late payment charges.
Q.6 How often do interest rates change?
Interest rates change based on fluctuations in the market; however, some lending products allow you to “lock in” on a specific rate. With a rate lock, your rate will not change regardless of what happens in the interest rate market, as long as you close on or before the rate lock expiration date.
Q.7 What are points and how do they work?
Discount points can be paid by the buyer at closing to reduce the interest rate, while “negative points” can be paid by the lender to offset closing costs, resulting in a higher interest rate. Points are determined as a percentage of your loan amount. For instance, on a $90,000 loan amount, one point equals 1%, or $900. In many cases, discount points are tax deductible, consult your accountant or tax advisor for advice.
Q.8 What documents will I need to provide to complete my loan transaction?
Requirements for documentation vary by state and depend on a variety of factors. Here is a list of some of the common documents you’ll need:
- A fully executed agreement of sale for the property being purchased.
- Financial statements for your bank and brokerage accounts.
- A HUD-1 settlement statement on the property you are selling, if applicable.
- A copy of your most recent pay stub.
- Previous W-2s.
- Statements for your primary residence or a copy of a rental lease.
- A homeowners’ insurance policy.
- A flood insurance policy, if applicable.
Q.9 What type of inspections do I need before I close on my home?
Certain inspections may be required under your particular loan program. Based on the home and its location, there are various inspections you may want to consider even if they are not required, such as:
- Termite inspection.
- Water test (for well water).
- Septic tank inspection.
- Radon test.
Q.10 How does a cash out refinance work?
Unless you currently have an interest-only mortgage, as you continue to make monthly payments on your mortgage, you’re building equity in your home. You can cash out by taking out a new, larger mortgage against that equity. Many people use the money obtained from a cash-out for, among other things, home improvements, college tuition, major life events or to pay off credit card debt.
Q.11 What is the rescission period?
The rescission period, also known as a “right to cancel” period, allows you to reconsider – and even cancel – a refinancing loan secured by your primary residence. The length of the rescission period is three business days after you have signed the loan documents. As required by federal law, the loan proceeds will not be disbursed until the rescission period has ended.
Q.12 How can I correct errors on my credit report?
Before you submit a dispute to a credit-reporting agency, contact the creditor, who may be able to correct the error. Companies that provide credit-clearing services can be costly. If you do decide to contact the reporting agency:
- Check to see if you can submit your dispute online. If you don’t see a link for disputing items on your online credit reports, write to the reporting agency at the address given on the report and request a correction.
- Make a copy of the report and circle entries you believe are incorrect.
- Describe the entries you dispute and include copies of any material you have that supports your dispute.
- If the dispute involves personal information, include a copy of your driver’s license or a utility bill.
- Send the package certified mail with the return receipt requested. 3. Send a copy of your letter to the creditor’s address provided on the billing statement.
- Send a copy of your letter to the creditor’s address provided on the billing statement.
If the reporting agency determines that the item was in error, request that the corrected report be sent to your potential mortgage lender.
Customer Service
If you have more questions then you can ask them via mail or phone.
Customer Service Department Number: 800-210-8849
Escalation Specialist Number: 855-703-3662
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 66002
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648